Saturday, October 8, 2011

New York City

A quick post to let everyone know that I did, in fact, make it to New York City last Sunday!

I have been painting and drawing and preparing for the two shows I have (which are on the 11th and the 15th, not the 11th and the 13th as I said in my last post). There's so much to see and do and paint and draw here that I haven't had a chance to update my blog recently, but promise* I will soon. I have a few good stories to tell...

*cross my heart, hope to die, etc.

Sunday mileage: 93

Total trip mileage: 1,898

Below are a few of the paintings I've done so far in New York:

The Brooklyn Bridge (as seen from Manhattan)

Wonder Wheel (at Coney Island)

Dreamland Roller Rink (at Coney Island)


  1. Congratulations, Jen! What an adventure and what an accomplishment! Almost two thousand miles, carrying all your supplies, and navigating quite an assortment of circumstances. I have enjoyed reading your reliably clever posts. I often found myself laughing out loud, at other times cringing. And you did a lot of wonderful painting. I hope your shows are well received. Best wishes to you in your further adventures!

  2. Welcome to NY, can't wait to meet up with you so you can tell me all these crazy stories in person!
