Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day one: a late start and an evening painting

The first painting of the trip: a quick and dirty 6"x8" oil sketch of my dear Madison done on my way out of town. I set up my easel in the parking lot of the Isthmus Mini Storage on Baldwin Street and painted the MG&E plant and the Capitol to the West. The low, early evening light turned the buildings into hazy blue shadows.

I got off to a rather late start today and didn't begin painting until after 6pm. I finished painting a bit after 7 and packed up my painting gear. My dad met me and we rode the first 10 or so miles out of Madison together. I am now camping in the Sandhill Station campground just outside of Lake Mills, WI.

Total mileage for the day: 33.73 miles
Total trip mileage: 33.73 miles


  1. If that's your quick and dirty, I want to up more order now! I'm so glad you are setting off on this journey adventure! Can't wait to see all of the inspired art to come:))))- love, jj nimock ehret
